“Get to know our company better.
From the key to our success, to our worldwide partnerships and the faces behind our product line. ”
The S.U.L.T.A.N. Trade GmbH is an innovative, reliable and quality conscious company specialised in supplying perishables from exotic countries with a competent team of consultants and food specialists. Through close control of every link within the supply chain, S.U.L.T.A.N. Trade managed to become a reliable partner for its European customers and international suppliers, offering a regular supply of exotic fresh and frozen fish as well as other high quality products. The customers of S.U.L.T.A.N. Trade consist of wholesalers, retail chains, and foodservice/catering companies anywhere in Europe.
The S.U.L.T.A.N. Trade GmbH is currently represented in the following countries with own departments: Germany (Berlin), United Kingdom (London), Sultanate of Oman (Muscat), United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi). Partner in Sri Lanka (Colombo), Maldives (Male), Indonesia (Bali) und Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City).
S.U.L.T.A.N. Trade was found in the year 2000 in Berlin, as a private corporation constituted under civil law, and turned into a limited company by the integration of further investors and partners in 2001.
Reason for the amendment of the legal entity was mainly due to a strong market demand for fresh exotic fish and the enlargement of our consulting services, which resulted in a steady global expansion, and stronger local presence.
Besides our consulting projects within the Sultanate of Oman, our sales and marketing service of fresh and frozen fish products was enhanced by the integration of experts and partners with competencies within the fish processing industry. Since the beginning of 2002 further strategic partners could be won in Great Britain, Colombia and Thailand.
S.U.L.T.A.N. Trade has employees and partners in the respective export as well as import countries, allowing to take proactive measurements in order to proceed in the interest of its customers. Fast, Reliable and with Foresight!
The company seeks to collaborate with highly professional suppliers in developing and growing markets. Beside the consultation of the suppliers, marketing their products in European, S.U.L.T.A.N. Trade integrates customer needs and demands in order to shape and form the product and service portfolio accordingly.
S.U.L.T.A.N. Trade is revising the product portfolio permanently and seeks for new and innovative products and services in order to satisfy their customers and partners.